Extension of the state of epidemic emergency – Foreigners

The first reading of an amendment to the Act on Foreigners took place in the Sejm. The draft concerns the return of illegally staying in the European Union third-country citizens to their home countries. The regulation is intended to bring Polish law in line with EU regulations on the use of the Schengen Information System (SIS).

The changes assume:

  1. entries in the SIS of information on the return of illegal immigrants and the exchange of supplementary information on these entries,
  2. identification in the SIS of citizens of third countries included in a return decision who have gone into hiding and were apprehended in another EU Member State.
  3. shortening from 14 to 7 days the time limit for appealing against decisions on, among others, obliging to return, granting a residence permit for humanitarian reasons or issuing a “permit for tolerated stay” document.
  4. shortening the deadline for the voluntary return of a foreigner from at least 15 to 8 days
  5. extending from 5 to 10 years the possibility of imposing an entry ban in the case of persons considered to be a threat and the entry of their data on the list of undesirable persons